How Cheerful Kids Enjoyed PAM 2015
13 Desember 2015
They enjoyed the trip so much. Obviously there some kids were accompanied by their parents indirectly. They were waiting for kids in MaRI (Mall Ratu Indah) in where PAM (Pentas Anak Makassar/ Makassar Kids Performance) held on. So, they accompanied theirs at behind or in a distance. Ms. Hikmah and I had told that they had to be in our side. We were so worry about them to become lost. It was responsibility of us. It was so late. I thought that so many performances we had missed. In fact, it was still like rehearsal. Therefore, we asked kids to write something about their feeling at that moment. On plan, we wanted to show their written at wall magazine that we had prepared, but there were no written showed in properly. I mean there are some similar written. We don’t know which the first written and which the copy. As if their written said, “Please, don’t ask me to write! I want to enjoy this day and want to watch all performances.” We pushed them to keep write. So their written said then, “Coz you ask me to keep writing, so receive this special written and don’t protest!” Some kids also wrote a poetry, but they hesitated to collect it, because they tought that their poetry will be read by themselves on the stage. HA HA. We have to make sure that theirs will not be read on up. They still hesitated until they convinced us (as convinced theirselves) and made a deal.
They looked so enjoying the first performance, kids group Aikido. They stunned on. There were some place where provide kids’ joy from some community such as; reading amazing book and making 3D robots by paper. They interested to make robots by paper. Therefore, they tried to make it. It had prepared some papers with design. The kids just cut off the paper, folded, connected, and glued the certain edge of paper line. Tadaaaa…. the robots (may be turtle, owl, bat, and some animation characters) had lived. Everykids had two robots, and of course, they were so happy making their own robots. In that event, performers came from some communities and children from kindergarten and elementary school. There were singing, band performer (there was performance from YLM *v* but I didn’t see T_T), attraction, etc. The kids were very pleased and surprised, when they saw Naruto cosplayer team. Naruto was absent, but his friends were in there. There were five or seven cosplayer, but I only recognized Gaara who I loved. They were so cool with that costum and appeared similar with the original, until the kids desired to touch them. It was also the first time that some kids saw the owl that sat on the shoulder of people. They were a community of owl lovers. The owl was so big but very calm. It just liked an observer.
There were many performance missed by the kids, but they had enough enjoying some thing that they never tried before. It made them happy and enjoyed that day as a refreshing day after final exam semester. Ten kids were fortune got the invitation and attended it. It was the first time that I guided ten kids in every time they had been around the location. It seems like you guard many animals, may be sheeps from the corral to field and from the field to the corral even you must keep them on the entourage. Before you make sure that yours have satisfy in the field until they go back with the pleased feeling. It only a short time round the place, but dunno why some bushed feeling attacking. Perhaps I don’t used to get some good ‘busy’ like that. I hope that there are many ‘busy’ days like those in a future that I contribute in the communities.***
@NN@ - My Sweetest Palace
Guarding the kids round the place
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