Laporan Lengkap Biologi Dasar - Lazarro Spallanzani Observation

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            Complete report of general biology with the title “Lazarro Spallanzani Observation” which made by:
Name               : Nur Hasanah Jusman
ID                    : 1113040162
Group / Class  : IV / A
Department     : Chemistry
After checked by assistant and assistant coordinator. So, this report was accepted.

                                                                                    Makassar,       Desember 2011
Assistant coordinator,                                                                 Assistant,


(Djumarirmanto, S.Pd)                                                       ( Nurul Fadhilah  )
                                                                                                  ID. 091404159

Know by:
Responsibility lecturer,

Drs. H. Hamka L,M.Si      )
                      ID: 1962 12 31 1987 02 I 005


A.    Background
             I'm not showing my background in here because the containing of background is come from your own words. so explore your own words about your experiments.
B.     Purpose
This experiment aims to provide opportunities for students to follow the way of thinking and the steps that have been done by scientists / researchers in solving biological problems, specifically answering the question above.
C.    Benefit
1.      Students can do this experiment, especially Lazarro Spallanzani’s Experiment.
2.      Students can more understand and know or follow the way of thinking and the step that have been done by scientist or researchers in solving biological problems.

            Thousand of years, it was the general consensus that certain living purpose intact from vital forces inherent in-nonliving or decomposer. This ancient belief in spontaneous generation—abiogenesis continuously reinforced as people observed that mean left out been soon “produced” maggots, the mushrooms appeared on rooted, that rats and mice emerged from piles of litter, and other phenomena. On the surface, there is nothing incorrect about them: it’s conclusion drawn from them that do to critical reasoning (Talaro, 1997).
Understanding or theory of abiogenesis is also called Generation Spontaneae understand. Scientist supporters of abiogenesis claimed that the first living things on earth from inanimate / lifeless that occurs spontaneously. Leaders understand philosopher of abiogenesis is a Greek named Aristotle (384-322 BC). Actually, Aristotle knew that the eggs will hatch into fish when the fish of the same nature as its parent. The eggs are the result of the marriage of parents fish. However, Aristotle believes that there are fish from Mud (Anonymous, 2011).
The hypothesis attempted to explain the origin of the “simpler life”: they arose spontaneously by the massing of vital nonliving matter (abiogenesis), or they arose only living things of their same kind (biogenesis). If an investigate to verify one, his work automatically falsified one to other be cannot be true. Throughout history, serious proponent sixth sides, but determining to correct the hypothesis required 200 combined inquires by microbiologists from several countries, from dealt with a particular dispute part of the hypothesis (Talaro, 1999).
The scientists, known as abiogenesis understand that living things come from living things before. Who pioneered the character is a scientist understands biogenesis Italia named Francisco Redi (1626-1799). Francisco Redi, based on the results of the experiments, argues that the maggots found on rotten meat did not come from meat, but come from eggs that fly on meat. This experiment was later refined by Lazzaro Spallanzani (Italian, 1729-1799), and Louis Pasteur (French, 1822-1895) (Anonymous, 2011).
In this period the experts try to make the restriction or postulates about all things related to life, especially with the problems of life that does not look or the life of microorganisms. The emergence of the notion that life happens by itself spontaneously (“Generation Spontaneous”) better known as the theory of abiogenesis occurred in this period. This assumption is then received a pretty severe challenge of the biologists at that time (Kusnadi, 2003: 8).
Francisco Redi (1626-1697) an Italian medical expert try to prove the non-truth of opinion "Spontaneous Generation" can make experiment-state experimental results of small animals (flies) that appear on various substrates derived from its mother laid eggs. Another is an Italian expert Lazarro Spallanzani (1729-1799) conducted a series of experiments by inserting the substrate in the form of organic compounds into the bottle gourd, the top of the bottle is closed tightly and then heated (to be sterile). After being stored for some time, was not found life in the bottle, this is different from the bottles that are not heated (as control), which became rotten and overgrown with a variety of living microorganisms (Kusnadi, 2003: 9).
It is difficult to prove that microorganisms are not generated spontaneously and moved at the trial that the adherents of the doctrine began to increasingly focus their demands for the appearance of secrecy by the simplest life forms in the plant juice or broth. One of the first to provide strong evidence that microorganisms do not appear by itself in organic juice (Slamet, 1999).
. An Italian naturalist, Lazarro Spallanzani who conducted a series of experiments on this subject in the eighteenth century. He can show repeatedly that the warming could prevent the onset of animacules in the broth, although the duration of the heating fluid. Spallanzani concluded that animacules can carry air into the broth, and this is the explanation of the existence of abiogenesis are presumed correct it in the broth that has been heated properly. Previous researchers cover pumpkin with cork stoppers, but Spallanzani did not feel satisfied that the cork is air passable. And forced to make air tight sealing. He noticed that after the broth was left for a long time, there is a very small crack on the glass which is then followed by the development animacules. The last conclusion is that to make a broth that was not covered by animakules eternally, then the flask should be tightly sealed in air and must be boiled. Animacules would not exist unless there is air that can enter into contact with the pumpkin and broth (Slamet, 1999)
In 1765 Spallanzani conduct experiments using water boiled meat and two kinds of treatment on the pumpkin. I pumpkin stew filled with water (broth), then heated at a temperature of 15oC for a few minutes, and left open. While the broth filled flask II as well, sealed with cork stoppers. Then the flask is heated until boiling. Furthermore, the two kinds of squash is cooled. After about a week, the results of experiments show that the pumpkin broth I became turbid and foul smelling and contain many microorganisms. At the pumpkin II broth remains clear and do not stink. However, if the pumpkin II later in the open and allowed any longer, broth became turbid and foul smelling like a pumpkin on the results of I (Anonymous, 2011).
A good Spallanzani experiment clearly shows all the difficulties he encountered in the study of this kind, but the experiment still wrong done and the results are still presented as evidence of abiogenesis. In the event that an application has been the introduction of practical and attractive. Experiments showed that the extracts of plants or perishable broth did not decay when separated from animacules, it seems likely that these chemical changes in a limited sense related to the development of microbes. The results of these experiments provide strong evidence to the experts will un-truth new theory about the origin of life with the theory of "biogenesis", which means life comes from previous life (Slamet, 1999).

A.    Place and Times
Day and Date        : Friday, November 18th 2011
Time                      : At 7.30 am until 09.30 am
Place                      : Biology Laboratory 3rd floor, State University of Makassar
B.     Tool and Materials
1.      Tools
a.          4 pieces of Test tube
b.         1 piece of Tube rack reactions
c.          2 pieces of Cork / rubber suitable
d.         1 piece of Lights spritus
e.          1 pieces of Wood clamp
f.          1 glass of aqua plastic
g.         Measuring glass
2.      Materials
a.       40 ml Liquid broth
b.      1 pieces of Wax
c.       Matches
d.      Label
C.    Work Procedure
1.         Contents of the four test tubes with broth each 10 ml.
2.         Tube I, stopper with cork lid / rubber and used as drops of molten wax between the mouth of the tube with a lid.
3.         Tube II, brought to a boiled over a fire broth spritus lamp for 10 minutes (leaved it opened without a lid).
4.         Tube III, brought to a boiled over a fire broth spritus lamp for 10 minutes, immediately cover with cork and used as drops of molten wax between the mouths of the tube with a lid.
5.         Tube IV, didn’t boil and didn’t close (let it opened).
6.         Placed all test tubes in test tube rack and store in the desk, try to avoid the interference of animals, direct sunlight and other heat sources.
7.         Performed observation and recorded every day, for a week.

A.    Result
Tube 1
Tube II
Tube III
Tube IV
(Fri, Nov 18th 2011
(Sat, Nov 19th 2011)
(Sun, Nov 20th  2011)
(Mon, Nov 21st 2011)
C = Color
S = Smell
C = Condition
 ( +)     = Yes
 ( -)      = No
 ( ++)   = More
 (+++)  = Very
1.      What day is occurs broth color change in each test tube?
2.      Which tube showed no change in broth color?
3.      On day 3 the last observation, compared the smell of broth that change color with still clear!

1.      The change of broth color in each test tube begin occurs in the second day. Test tubes were to be something example sediment and bubble, the broth was turbid, stinky
2.      Tube IV because the tube was boiled and was closed so the microorganisms not enter in the tube. Tube IV has no other changes.
3.      Tube which contains the pure broth was not stinky but the broth which experience the color change was very stinky because it had much microorganism.
B.     Discussion
Based on theory (Lazarro Spallanzani, 2010) with experiments using the broth can be compared with observations during three days measured from 0-4 day in four tubes with different treatment. On the first day of observation tubes I, II, III, and IV are still in a state of clear or there has been no change. But the following day broths amended are as follows:
1.         On the tube I at the 0 day, the tubes are still clear and no sediment and not smelly. But on the first day until the third day the water was getting cloudy broth more and over. In theory, it should not be heated tube which has a sealed despite the marked organism broth with water that smells, turbid and has sediment. Means, observations on the tube I work well.
2.         In the tube II, the second day is still colored translucent tube, there are no deposits and no smell (still the same on the first day). But on the second day the water had turned into a murky broth and has sediment but no smell, so anything until the third day, the broth became turbid water, sediment but no smell. In theory, the tube should not be closed despite having been boiled broth organism that causes decay, have sediment and turbid. This is due to the exchange of oxygen from the outer tube into the tube so that the organism also can get into the tube. Means, observations on the tube II also work well.
3.         In the III tube, the first day the tube is still clear, odorless and has no sediment. On the second day. And on the third day already is same, so anything on the fourth is still same. From my observation, it can be said that this tube has the organism because the tube is heated and shut down resulting in the exchange of air and water are sterile broth so that the organism is difficult to breed on the tube. This happens because the wax droplets that enter the tube so that said Sediment and the smell is very harsh. In other words, observations on the tube III declared to have successfully that the tube does not have the organism.
4.         In the IV tube, the first day the tube is still clear, has a smell and has no sediment. On the second day, the broth is same with the first day. So even until the fourth observation. From my observation, it can be said that this tube does not have the organism because it is not heated and then sealed so that no exchange of oxygen that can cause the organism into the tube. In theory, the tube is not heated and then not closed it have the organism because the water situation is still the same stock on the first day, but there is sediment in the observation tube IV. In theory, the tube is not heated and not closed will have the organism because of the air exchange so that microbes can get into the tube and multiply rapidly because water is not sterile broth, So the microbe is easy top breed. In other words, observation of IV tube pad worked perfectly because it fits with the theory.

A.    Conclusion
Experiments showed that the extracts of plants or perishable broth did not decay when separated from animacules, it seems likely that these chemical changes in a limited sense related to the development of microbes.
The results of these experiments provide strong evidence to the experts will un-truth new theory about the origin of life with the theory of "biogenesis", which means life comes from previous life.
Based on the observations that have been done then it can be deduced Microorganisms that live do es not come from the objects, rather than the previous creatures. Based Lazarro Spallanzani experiment, the tube that opens there is life that comes from microorganisms that are airborne. This proves that life does not come from the broth, as stated by the theory of abiogenesis.
B.     Suggestion
a.       Practican expected to be on time to do lab work for this activity can work well.
b.      Expected that practican careful in doing lab work for better results.
c.       Expected that the cooperation between the assistant with practican so that if something goes wrong can be solved quickly.

Anonymous.2011.Lazarro Spallanzani Observation.http://www.fullerena.blogspot. com/209/percobaan-lazarrro-spallanzani.html.Accessed at 21st 2011

Anonymous.2011.The Origin of Living Things. /artikel_detail-39.html. Accessed at 23rd 2011

Kusnadi, dkk.2003.Mikrobiologi.Jakarta:JICA.
Slamet,dkk.1999.Sains Biologi.Jakarta:PT Bumi Aksara
Thleen and Thur, Talaro.1997.Microbiology Second Edition.Jakarta:Erlangga

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