Hm, ini adalah contoh laporan lengkap biologi dasar yang telah saya buat. Sebaiknya jangan asal Copy-Paste tapi perbaharui dan kembangkan isinya. saya memposting ini untuk dijadikan sebagai bahan referensi pembuatan laporan oleh praktikan lain dan perbandingan hasil praktikum. Teks berbahasa Inggris karena saya berasal dari ICP class. :D
Complete report of general biology with the title “The Microscopic Observation” which made by:
Name : Nur Hasanah Jusman
ID : 1113040162
Group / Class : IV / A
A. Background
I'm not showing my background in here because the containing of background is come from your own words. so explore your own words about your experiments.B. Purpose
After doing this activity students are expected to explain the structure and the various tissue that make up the organs of plants.
C. Benefit
1. Students can do this experiment, especially “Microscopic Observation”.
2. Students can more understand and know the structure and the various tissues that make up the organs of plants.
3. Student can get knowledge about structure of plants tissue and animal’s tissue, and then they can learn about them. It’s useful for knowing disease of plant’s tissue and animal’s tissue so they can prevent cures them.
4. Student can get experience about the observation using microscope, it is the observe the microscopic object. So, for the next practical they can observe better.
Tissue is a collection of cells that are closely related to each other have the same structure functions. The study of tissue structure called the histology. Various tissues are composed and organized in the form of the organ (Tim Pengajar,2011).
A tissue may be defined as an aggregation of cells in which each cooperates with all others in the performance of a particular group function. Tissues may be highly specialized, according to the degree of specialization of the component cells. An organ is an aggregation of tissues all of which cooperate in their turn in the performance of group function. Similarly, an organ system is a cooperating aggregation of organs. Not all multicellular organ and organ systems. In some of the most primitive multicelluar types, the whole body consists of but a single tissue. More advance and organisms usually posses several tissue, and certain ones in given cases form organs. Numerous organs and sets of organs and sets of organ systems occur only in the most advanced plants and animals (Weisz, 2000).
The ways in which plant cells of various types are joined into tissues are illustrated clearly by young flowering plants. In the stem and root of such plants, the tissues are arranged in a concentric, radially symmetrical pattern. On the outside is the epidermis, a covering tissue one cell layer thick. Where such cell face, the atmosphere in the stem and there are usually thicker than elsewhere and are thickened even further by the deposition of waxy cuticules. The epidermis of leaves and green stem also contains numerous guard cell (Weisz, 2000).
In a root, the epidermal cells are usually without waxy cuticules and guard cells are absent also. But near the root tips the epidermis contains a zone of root-hair cells. These process elongated fingerlike extension of cytoplasm on the side exposed to soil. Such “hairs” greatly increase the surface area of the cells, an important factor in nutrient absorption (Weisz, 2000).
The epidermis tissue The epidermis is a tissue of tissues that vary structure and its function. Is the outermost layer of the root, stem, leaf, flowers, fruit,
and seeds, before the plants have secondary growth (Muhammadiah, 2004).
and seeds, before the plants have secondary growth (Muhammadiah, 2004).
The structure of the epidermis can be connected with the role of tissue
teresebut as a layer of cells associated with the outside environment. The presence of materials such as fat, cutin on the outer wall and the surface limit evaporation. Epidermal root hairs have a wall that thin, suggesting that the young root epidermal function in absorption (Muhammadiah, 2004).
teresebut as a layer of cells associated with the outside environment. The presence of materials such as fat, cutin on the outer wall and the surface limit evaporation. Epidermal root hairs have a wall that thin, suggesting that the young root epidermal function in absorption (Muhammadiah, 2004).
Most tissue of most animals may be classified generally either as connective tissues or epithelia. Not formally included in this classification are three specific tissues, nerve, muscle, and blood. Connective tissues are identified by comparatively widely separated cells, the spaces between the cells being filled by various fluid or solid materials. Another identifying characteristic is the relatively unspecialized nature of the cells (Weisz, 2000).
From the descriptions above we already know that the epidermis is
is a protective tissue. It turned out that research has shown positive results
existence of a particular kind of tissue that is more powerful than the epidermis, which known as a tissue of cork (Cork tissue). Typically these tissues are in
the edges of the tools plants, especially in old plants length which in this case usually the epidermis of plants have died earlier or became inactive before becoming sponges it. Thus it can be said that the tissue is using a cork function of the epidermis (Kartasapoetra, 1998).
is a protective tissue. It turned out that research has shown positive results
existence of a particular kind of tissue that is more powerful than the epidermis, which known as a tissue of cork (Cork tissue). Typically these tissues are in
the edges of the tools plants, especially in old plants length which in this case usually the epidermis of plants have died earlier or became inactive before becoming sponges it. Thus it can be said that the tissue is using a cork function of the epidermis (Kartasapoetra, 1998).
According to Anonymousa (2011) : As in animals, the body was composed of plant cells. The cells will be assembled to form a tissue, the tissue will come together to form organs and so on until the plants form one body. Here are discussed the various tissues and organs that make up the plant body. Plant tissues can be divided into two kinds:
1. Meristem tissue
2. Adult tissues
Meristem tissue tissue-meristem
Meristem tissue is a tissue that continually divides. Meristem tissue can be divided into two kinds:
1. Primary Meristem tissue
Meristem tissue which is a further progression of embryo growth.
Example: the rod tip, root tip. Meristem located at the tip of the stem and root tips called apical meristem. Activities of the primary meristem tissue stem and root cause long bertambang. Primary meristem tissue growth called primary growth.
2. Secondary Meristem tissue
Tissue of secondary meristem is meristem tissue
derived from adult tissues of cambium and cork cambium. Secondary meristem tissue growth called secondary growth. Meristem tissue accretion activity pose a large body of plants. Examples of secondary meristem tissues of cambium.
Cambium is the layer of plant cells are actively dividing and are between the xylem and phloem. Cambium is formed from the meristem tissue that already exist in the roots and stems and form a secondary tissue in the plane parallel to the roots and stems.
Cambium is the layer of plant cells are actively dividing and are between the xylem and phloem. Cambium is formed from the meristem tissue that already exist in the roots and stems and form a secondary tissue in the plane parallel to the roots and stems.
Adult tissues are tissues that have stopped dividing.
Adult tissues can be divided into several types:
Adult tissues can be divided into several types:
1 Epidermis tissue
Tissue which is located at the outside, cover the surface of a plant. Form a variety of epidermal tissues. In plants which have experienced growth of secondary roots and stems have largely lost the epidermal tissue. Epidermal tissue functions to protect the tissue next to them.
2. Parenchymal tissue tissue-perenkim
Other names are the basic tissue. Parenchymal tissue found in the bark, root
bark, meat, leaves, fruit pulp and endosperm. Parenchymal cell shape manifold. Parenchymal cells that contain chlorophyll called klorenkim, which contain air cavities called aerenkim. Based on the parenchymal tissue function can be divided into several kinds, among others:
1. Assimilation parenchyma (klorenkim) is the parenchymal cells that contain chlorophyll and function for photosynthesis.
2. Hoarder is parenchymal parenchymal cell can store different food reserves as a solution in the vacuole, the form of solid particles or liquid in the cytoplasm.
3. Parenchymal parenchymal cell water is capable of storing water. Generally found in plants that live in the area dry (xerofit), epiphytic plants, and succulent plants.
4. Parenchymal air (aerenkim) is the parenchymal tissue that is capable of storing the air because it has a big space between cells. Aerenkim widely available on the stems and leaves of plants hidrofit.
3. Amplifier tissue / advocates
Other names stereon. Its function is to strengthen the parts of a plant. Consisting
Other names stereon. Its function is to strengthen the parts of a plant. Consisting
of kolenkim and sklerenkim.
a. Kolenkim
Most of the cell wall kolenkim tissue consists of a cellulose compound amplifier tissue in young organs or soft parts of a plant.
Most of the cell wall kolenkim tissue consists of a cellulose compound amplifier tissue in young organs or soft parts of a plant.
b. Sklerenkim
In addition to the cell walls contain cellulose, lignin compounds containing sklerenkim tissue, so that the cells become stronger and harder. Sklerenkim consists of two kinds of fiber / fiber and sklereid or stone cells. Coconut shell is a good example of parts of a plant that contains fibers and sklereid.
4. Carrier Tissues
4. Carrier Tissues
Transport tissue carries substances needed by plants. There are two kinds of tissue; the xylem or phloem vessels or vessels of wood and plywood / leather timber vessels. Xylem carries water and dissolved mineral salts from the root to all parts of a plant. Xylem there are two kinds: the trachea and trakeid. Phloem carries of photosynthesis from leaves to all parts of a plant.
5. Cork
Cork tissue function is to protect the other tissues in order not to lose a lot of water, given the cork cells that are waterproof. In dikotil, the tissue formed by the cork cambium cork or felogen, the formation of cork tissue to the inside of living cells called feloderm, outward form of dead cells called felem.
A. Place and Times
Day and Date : Friday, November 25th 2011
Time : At 7.30 a.m until 09.30 a.m
Place : Biology Laboratory 3rd floor, State University of Makassar
B. Tool and Materials
1. Tools
a. Microscope
b. Coarse cloth and fine cloth
2. Materials
a. Preparations preserved of brain
b. Preparations preserved of striated muscle
c. Preparations preserved of ficus sp
d. Preparations preserved of neuron
e. Preparations preserved of hard bone
f. Preparations preserved of cardiac muscle
g. Preparations preserved of non striated muscle
h. Preparations preserved stem of Zea mays
i. Preparations preserved of blood cell
j. Preparations preserved of Arachis hipogeae root
k. Preparations preserved of cherrystem
l. Preparations preserved of cerebrum
m. Preparations preserved of smooth muscle
n. Preparations preserved of Amaratus spinea
C. Work Procedure
1) Plant Tissue.
1. Prepared microscope based procedures use
2. Took the preparations preserved plant and animal tissues that have
been determined.
3. Observed the characteristic structure and location of each of these tissues.
4. Used the 4x objective magnification to see the preparations as a whole, then replaced it with an objective magnification of 10x to observed a part of the more obvious
5. Drew the tissue as a whole organs and their parts mentioned
6. Compared the observations with the picture on the biology handbook
7. Learned the function of each tissue which form the plant of the organs.
2) Animal Tissue
a. Tissue Epithelial
1. Observed preparat that corned as epitel cube as undercoated as on medulla renalis.
2. Utilized objective’s amplification 10x to see preparat as a whole.
3. Epital's cell looking at formed by cube with, big cell nucleus that at round and lie in the middle cell.
4. Observed yielding compare your with following image.
b. Tissue tissue
1. Observed preparations solid bone rubbing on bone pipes.
1. Observed preparations solid bone rubbing on bone pipes.
2. Drew and member information visible parts.
3. Noticed the structure from the outside
- Periosteum, form a solid tissue
- Harvest system consist of:
- Harvest duct
- Lamella harvest which form concentric around the Harvest duct
- Each Lamella contains osteosit on the Lacuna which have kanalikuli
- Endosteum
4. Compared observations with the image on the book a guide.
c. Neural tissues
1. Purkinje cells observed in preparations preserved cerebellum.
1. Purkinje cells observed in preparations preserved cerebellum.
2. Drew and give information the parts that are visible.
3. Asked the assistant to look the cells that mean. In the ganglion layer (atratum gangliosom) which consist of simple layer purkinje that shape like bottle, they are pale and big, have small nucleolus and dark.
4. Compared observations with images that have been are provided
d. Blood Tissue
1. Observed preparat that corned with strong amplification.
2. Looked at and draws blood cell kinds of( eritrosit, limfosit, monosit, leukocyte, neutrofil, and besofil) one that available in blood.
3. Observed yielding compare you’re with image.
e. Muscle tissue
1. Observed preparat that corned with strong amplification.
2. Looked at and draws muscle cell kinds of, form, and position in essentials and its fiber aim.
3. Compared your watch result.
A. Result
1. Striated teased muscle
| Striated teased muscle Magnification: 4x10 |
2. Non striated teased muscle
| Non Striated teased muscle Magnification: 4x10 |
3. Cardiac muscle
| Cardiac muscle Magnification: 4x10 |
4. Blood cell
| Blood cell Magnification: 40 x 10 |
5. Smooth Muscle
| Smooth muscle Magnification: 4x10 |
6. Brain
| Brain Magnification: 4x10 |
7. Arachis hypogeae (root)
| 1. Arachis hypogeae (root) Magnification: 4x10 |
8. Amaratus spinceae .s (stem)
| Amaratus spinceae .s (stem) Magnification: 4x10 |
9. Zea mays (stem)
| Zea Mays (stem) Magnification: 4x10 |
10. Cherrystem tissue
| Cherrystem tissue Magnification: 10x10 |
11. Hard Bone
| Hard Bone Magnification: 4x10 |
12. Nervous tissue
| Nervous tissue Magnification: 10 x 10 |
13. Tiscus t.s (leaf)
| Tiscus t.s (leaf) Magnification: 10 x 10 |
14. Cerebrum
| Cerebrum Magnification: 4x10 |
B. Discussion
Biological interior wiring is cell horde that has to form and same function. Tissues may be highly specialized, according to the degree of specialization of the component cells. Tissue that variably gets is cooperative to a same physiology function form organ. An organ is an aggregation of tissues all of which cooperate in their turn in the performance of group function. Similarly, an organ system is a cooperating aggregation of organs. Studied tissue in branch biological one was named by histology, meanwhile biological branch that studies changed form and relationship interior wiring function its with disease is histopathology.
There is four base tissue groups that form body all animal, including multiceluller's man and being low level as arthropod: epithelium’s tissue, fastener tissue, contributor tissue, and nerve tissue.
1. Epithelium’s tissue.
2. Fastener tissue.
3. Muscle tissue.
4. Afferent tissue.
5. Contributor tissue
So, we have the identified them:
1. Stem of Zea mays
a. Epidermal cells covered by compact without a space between cells. Serves to protect the existing tissue underneath.
b. Xylem is the vascular tissue that functions to transport water and minerals from the roots throughout the plant
c. Phloem is a tissue carrier which serves to transport the result of photosynthesis and leaves throughout the plant body.
2. Non striated muscle
Non striated muscle spindle shaped with both ends tapered and enlarged middle section with a length of several microns. Smooth muscle is also called muscle in, because smooth muscle develop inner tools, such as the digestive tract, blood vessels, genital tract, and gastrointestinal excretion. When viewed with a microscope, spindle-shaped smooth muscle cells with both ends pointed. This muscle has only one core. Smooth muscle movement does not obey our will or work outside of awareness. Therefore, smooth muscle is also called involuntary muscle. This muscle work is slow, orderly, and not gets tired.
3. Smooth muscle
Bubble-shaped smooth muscle cells with a nucleus located in the middle sarcoplasmic flat. Smooth muscle found in the muscles in the so called viscera and autonomic felsarafan who himself has worked in the subconscious. Smooth muscle contraction is slow, but not tired.
4. Striated muscle
Also called striated muscle because the fibers of skeletal muscle contractions reflect light with intermittent alternating light and dark vertical bands on the shaft to form muscle. Striated muscle consists of a cylinder is very long and not branched.
5. Heart muscle
Heart muscle found in heart, composed of striated fibers which branched branch and talk to each other. Heart muscle cells form branched chains and often two or more forms synoutrum. Nuclei of one or two pieces which is located at the center, the size of muscle fibers is smaller than skeletal muscle. The defining features of heart muscle or have comprised Discus interkolaris.
6. Compact bone
Tissue serves as the support of the body that bind to each other such tissues, these tissues each consisting of cells; this tissue is used to provide power assistance and weak parts of your body, filling the body considering a tissue with another tissue. The tissue consists of lamella advocates, kanalikuli, Lacuna, and lamella. Which includes ancillary tissue is a tissue of bone, cartilage tissue and blood in the lymph nodes.
7. Neuron
Neuron tissue formed by cells called neurons that work led electrochemical nerve impulses. Each neuron has a cell body containing the nucleus, having two or more cytoplasm, through which the nerve fiber impulses. Dendrite nerve fibers that deliver impulses to the cell body. Axons that transmit impulses away from the cell body.
8. Blood Tissue
Blood is the fluid found in all beings life (except plants), high level function sends substances and oxygen needed ileh body, transporting materials chemical results of metabolism, as well as the body's defenses. Inside there are all kinds of blood, including:
1. Erythrocyte
a. A major part of blood cells.
b.Contain hemoglobin which has a holding capacity of oxygen
and carbon dioxide.
and carbon dioxide.
c. Formed in bone marrow from the back of the embryo created
in limpha and liver.
in limpha and liver.
2. Leukocytes
a. Neutrophils, is 65% of leukocytes that can kill bacteria by means fogositosit
b. Eusinofil, the cytoplasm are many types of leukocytes containing granules (lysosomes) and function block parsit.
c. Basophils, is part of the leukocytes, but only 1% of function mengtasi infection, inflammation and allergies.
d. Lymphocytes, are leukocytes which account for about 25% and consists of T cells as the body's defenses, the B cells and cells killers.
e. Manosit, is part of 6% of leukocytes and serves as eaters of bacteria and neutrophils which takes into pus.
a. Eritrosit
b. Neutrofil
c. Eosinofil
d. Limfosit
b. Eusinofil, the cytoplasm are many types of leukocytes containing granules (lysosomes) and function block parsit.
c. Basophils, is part of the leukocytes, but only 1% of function mengtasi infection, inflammation and allergies.
d. Lymphocytes, are leukocytes which account for about 25% and consists of T cells as the body's defenses, the B cells and cells killers.
e. Manosit, is part of 6% of leukocytes and serves as eaters of bacteria and neutrophils which takes into pus.
b. Neutrofil
c. Eosinofil
d. Limfosit
A. Conclusion
Based on the observations that have been done then it can be deduced the tissue is a collection of cells that have the structure and function. Tissue forming the system of organs and so on, forming a new individual. Tissue in plants is divided into two: Meristem and adult tissues. The tissue consists of making up the root epidermis, cortex, phloem, cambium, xylem, and pith. The tissue consists of constituent leaf epidermis, parenchyma, tissue carriers and tissue cork.
Making up the body's tissues in animals be divided into five major tissue types including epithelial tissue, tissue advocates, muscle tissue (smooth muscle, striated muscle and heart muscle) and neural tissues.
B. Suggestion
a. Practican expected to be on time to do lab work for this activity can work well.
b. It is expected that practican careful in doing lab work for better results
c. Each practican have equal opportunity in conducting the experiment.
d. It is expected that the cooperation between the assistant with practican so that if something goes wrong can be solved quickly.
1. How to form smooth muscle cells, where is it, how many in each cell nucleus?
Answer :
Smooth muscle cells form the spindle at wall digestive tract, respiratory tract, blood vessels, urinary tracts, etc.. Smooth muscle consists of one core which is located in the middle of the cell.
2. Collection of striated muscle cell fibers called the what, how much the core of each fiber?
Answer :
Answer :
Collection of striated muscle fibers of cells called fesikum and in each there are core fibers which are found at the edges.
3. What is the fundamental difference between smooth muscle cells, striated muscle and heart muscle that you find?
Answer :
Smooth muscle
a. Having a cell nucleus is located in the middle
b. Work is not under conscious so-called involuntary muscle
c. Contractions slow but irregular and not easily tired
Striated muscle
a. Consisting of a core fiber
b. Working under the consciousness
c. Rapid contractions, irregular and easily tired
Heart muscle
a. Composed of cylindrical cells and essentially one or two located in the middle
b. Working under the consciousness
c. Automatically regular contractions and was not easily tired
4. What are Lacuna, kanalikuli, what is the function of the Havers channels?
Answers :
Answers :
Lamella that is precipitated mineral salts that form a circle.
Lacuna namely the attachment of osteosit. Kanalikuli the small channels that connect between one another osteosit.Havers channel function is as a place or central blood vessels, lymph, nerve and Volkman.
Lacuna namely the attachment of osteosit. Kanalikuli the small channels that connect between one another osteosit.Havers channel function is as a place or central blood vessels, lymph, nerve and Volkman.
Anonymous.2011.Plant of Tissue. at 1st December 2011
Kartasapoetra, A.G. 1998. Pengantar Anatomi Tumbuh-tumbuhan.Jakarta:Bima Aksara
Muhammadiah, Asia.2004.Anatomi Tumbuhan. Makassar:Jurusan Biologi FMIPA UNM.
Tim pengajar.2011.Penuntun Praktikum Biologi.Makassar:Jurusan Biologi FMIPA UNM
Weisz, Robert.2000.Elements of Biology.Jakarta:Erlangga